速報APP / 運動 / Latest Sports News Headlines

Latest Sports News Headlines





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:House # 160 Iqbal town lahore

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖1)-速報App

We bring you all the spicy and latest sports news headlines, for free!!!!

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖2)-速報App

Staying up to date with the juiciest and latest sports news headlines was never so easy. Browse through latest sports news headlines with a swipe of your thumb and click on the articles you want to read. The app feeds you top stories from all the major news outlets like Yahoo, BBC Sports, Fox Sports and ESPN. You can also enjoy the latest cricket news headlines from the ESPN Cricinfo page. Just pull your thumb down on the screen to refresh the latest news headlines.

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖3)-速報App

The Latest Sports News Headlines app is very user friendly and lets you switch between different news feeds with just a tap on the dash board. You can choose a specific feed, like latest football news headlines from BBC Sports, or switch to Cricinfo for the latest and exciting cricket news.

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖4)-速報App

There is also a custom web search function where you can narrow down your latest sports news headlines search to the topic that you want. If you want football news, type football and if you want to narrow it down even further, search for your favorite football league or even your favorite club.

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖5)-速報App

The Latest Sports News Headlines app will provide you with your daily sports news fix, the way you desire it.

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖6)-速報App

Currently we are providing news from

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖7)-速報App

*** Cricinfo

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖8)-速報App

*** ESPN

Latest Sports News Headlines(圖9)-速報App

*** Fox Sports news

*** BBC Sports news

*** Yahoo Sports News

We are providing news of Football, Golf, Boxing, Horse Racing, Cycling skiing and also listen sports radio stations all in one app and it is free.

** We added ads for revenue

please give us good ratting and email us if you have any query at @ayshamasoom@gmail.com